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Adventures with a ’79 VW

27 Things I Have Learned in 27 Years



Today, May 7th, 2014 is my 27th birthday. So I thought I would depart some of the wisdom I have gathered over the past 27 years, and share it in an easy to follow list.

  • 1. Lists (like this one) are easy to follow, and take less time to read. They work great for getting basic ideas across.
  • 2. Your attitude is everything. A positive attitude and outlook will make all the difference in the World.
  • 3. You can’t love someone else, until you love yourself.
  • 4. Sometimes the only true way to learn a lesson is the hard way. So when you fail or are knocked down a notch or two in the face of adversity, be grateful, for you are now a wiser and more prepared person, better equipped for the future.
  • 5. If something is truly important to you, you will find a way to make it work. If it isn’t, you will find excuses as to why it won’t.
  • 6. “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” ― Charles R. Swindoll
  • waves

  • 7. Everyone deserves love, compassion and respect, not just the people you ‘like’ or think are ‘good people’. Everyone is coming from a life with an infinitely different set of experiences to you. You don’t know all the battles they have fought or the ones they are fighting.
  • 8. Learn the art of patience. A patient person will find peace where an inpatient person will find stress. v
  • 9. You always have the answer. Life is about learning how to access it.
  • 10. Always follow your instincts. Learn to listen to yourself.
  • 11. “Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.”
  • change

  • 12. Be the change you want to see. We love to place responsibility on others, but at the end of the day, nothing will change until we do as individuals. Change starts with you.
  • 13. Give more. Not only will you be more happy for giving, but you will have helped to spread the happiness to others.
  • 14. Learn to love, value and appreciate what you have. You might be surprised with the wealth you already hold.
  • 15. Material things will never bring the happiness and joy to your life that relationships, experiences and self awareness will.
  • 16. Try new things, open up new worlds. What are some of your favorite things now? Think about the fact that, at one point, you didn’t even know those things existed.
  • 17. Don’t let others ideas of people, places or things bias your thoughts. Discover things for yourself. Have your own experiences and create your own reality. It’s your mind and your life, don’t just copy & paste.
  • 18. Take chances!! Never trade the thrills of living for the security of existence. If there is something you want to do, muster up the courage and take the leap of faith. Who knows what incredible outcomes are waiting!
  • take chances

  • 19. Take life as it comes and accept the fact that the future is unknown. So many worry profusely about the future, that they rob themselves of the present.
  • 20. Everything is connected. Coincidences don’t exist.
  • 21. Find what you are passionate about and go with it.
  • 22. As different as we may seem, and as different as our experiences are, we all want the same things.
  • 23. Change what you can’t accept, and accept what you can’t change.
  • 24. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to look up a mountain and say, “Oh my god! I have to climb that!?”. Instead, look a couple feet forward and say, “I only need to make that”. Even the biggest challenge can be made easy by breaking it into small steps.
  • 25. Confidence is the most attractive attribute you can posses. It is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal. It will take you where you need to go.
  • 26. The more effort you put in, the more you get out. If you want to get good at something or find more enjoyment in something, the only way to accomplish this is by putting in the effort and time.
  • 27. Life goes on. You will undoubtedly experience pain, heartache and loss. You can muster up all the courage and strength you have and choose to push forward, or you can choose to stay in a state of despair. Some things are out of your control. Life doesn’t stop, so you might as well choose to move forward in the direction that brings you happiness.
  • life goes on



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