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Motivational Thoughts: Dreams & Motivation



Earlier today I posted a motivational photo on Twitter which I found on Kush and Wizdom Tumblr. The quote is “Dreams Only Die If You Let Them Starve”.

Before I go any further, let me clarify that the dreams we are discussing today are not the kind you have at night; we’re talking hopes and ambitions!

I enjoyed this quote because it points out that fulfilling your dreams requires action.

I think many dreams fail to come to fruition because the dreamer either doesn’t believe that their dream is achievable or is not willing to put in the time and effort to make the dream happen.

Most likely it ends up being a combination of the two, with doubt fueling the lack of will/motivation.

This led to me think more on the subject. Dreams definitely change as we change. At one point in my life I dreamt of being a stunt man. At another point i dreamt of being pyrotechnic. I even had a phase in middle school when I dreamt of being a hip hop sensation (hopefully my grade 8 talent show video doesn’t leak haha). But did those dreams necessarily die?

You can think of dreams as a singular entity, a continually growing piece of yarn. A persons dreams are their authentic utmost desire and ambition rolled up into a ball. This ball has many layers. As you grow, so does your ball of yarn. Your inner most layers are not necessarily dead, they are simply dreams from a different time in your life.

I think the essence of dreams comes down to the human spirit. To me, a dream only truly dies if you give up on it. And when you give up on a dream, your proverbial ball of yarn shrinks. However if your dreams evolve into something new, your ball continues to grow without hindrance.

Gabriel Jose Garcia Marquez - dreams
Gabriel Jose Garcia Marquez – dreams

The only difference between evolving and dieing dreams is the effect it has on your spirit; where death is dampening and evolution keeps you on a positive path.

Just as doubt fuels lack of will and lack of will fuels doubt, dreams are fed by motivation and motivation is fed by dreams. The greatest motivating factor in my life, are my dreams. Ironically, the dreams are nourished by the very same motivation that they fuel. Now that’s the kind of vicious circle I like to find myself in.

What do you think? Is it possible for dreams to evolve? Or do they simply die? Is there something more motivating than your own dreams?



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