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want vs need motivational quote

Motivational Thoughts: What do you really need?



A big part of the HippieVanMan.com project is inspiring and motivating people to live authentically in the present and to follow their dreams. So I thought I’d make a few posts with some motivating thoughts.

In 10 tips to save for an epic trip my number 1 tip was to focus on wants vs needs. I thought I would elaborate on that idea in this post.

What do you really need? What if some of the things you think you need, you don’t need at all?

There are needs which we can’t dismiss, such as food, shelter and safety. However we also fill our minds with many false needs. Do you really need a new phone or that sixth drink at the bar? Do you really need the approval of others? Do you really need to be angry about things that don’t even affect you? Do you really need to “get even” or keep score?

want vs need
want vs need

Take a second and imagine if you could escape the burden of all your self-imposed needs… Instead of being trapped and weighed down by these fabricated “needs”, what possibilities might arise if they were eliminated from your mind? Might you have more time, money and energy to put towards your goals, ambitions and dreams? Would you be less stressed out? What other benefits might you receive?

What do you think?
What do you think?

The next time you catch yourself thinking “I need…”, stop and question. Do I really need this, or is this just a distraction/something that will hold me back from fulfilling my dreams and ambitions? What impact will not having this thing I “need” really have on my life?

Many people fail to realize that these preconceived “needs” are nothing more than a choice. Would you choose to be angry about something that you could just as easily choose to be excited about? Of course not. Choose to stop needing so much. As soon as you do, you’ll find that you have more than ever.

What are some things you commonly find yourself “needing” unnecessarily? Feel free to share it in the comment section below.




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