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Adventures with a ’79 VW

People Doing Cool Stuff: Meet Anna Gala, Creator of Project Village

  My friend Anna from back home in Toronto, Canada is a very outgoing and giving person. She decided she wanted to spread a little love and empowerment, because duhh!! love and empowerment are AWESOME! So she came up with a concept which fuses fashion and philanthropy. Project Village. I met Anna about 6 or […]

10 Life Lessons Travel Has Taught Me

Sleeping in the park in Pamplona, Spain during Running of the Bulls

I think Miriam Beard may have said it best, “Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living”. After traveling to over 30 countries in the past five years, I have grown immensely as a person and learned many invaluable life […]

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