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Adventures with a ’79 VW

Aubrey Marcus’s 10 takeaways from MastermindTalks in Toronto, Canada

Aubrey Marcus recently spoke at the MastermindTalks in Toronto Canada. Here are 10 takeaways Aubrey posted via his fellow entrepreneur speakers: 1. You can’t expect anyone to follow your vision, unless they too have seen your vision. Paint the picture of what you are striving for as vividly as possible, and then figure out how […]

When Your Passion Fades… What’s Next?

Whether it be work, relationships, travel or what have you, when you find your passion, It’s a labor of love, pulsing life throughout your body and mind. You think to yourself, I have found my passion and I want to pursue it to the max. But as I am sure you have experienced at some […]

10 Life Lessons Travel Has Taught Me

Sleeping in the park in Pamplona, Spain during Running of the Bulls

I think Miriam Beard may have said it best, “Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living”. After traveling to over 30 countries in the past five years, I have grown immensely as a person and learned many invaluable life […]

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