Summer is here and I’m sure many of you have plans to get out on the open road and explore, be it a day trip, weekend getaway, or something much bigger. One thing I’ve noticed is that every time I’m on a road trip, it seems my nutrition habits turn ugly pretty fast. You don’t have the convenience of your own kitchen, fridge and pantry. You might be short on time. Or you might be on a budget; because accommodation, entertainment and other travel expenses can build up quickly.
I asked my friend Sarah Goldstein, a Toronto-based holistic nutritionist to give me her top tips for maintaining a healthy diet while on the road. And now, I will hand it over to her.
Attn: Travelers and world wanderers,
Staying healthy while traveling or on the road is NOT impossible. It is definitely something that can be done, and I am here to help.
Below are five tips for staying healthy while on the road:
1) Healthy Snacks:Either pre-pack snacks, or bulk up whenever you hit a major grocery store. This will ensure you always have something healthy on hand in case you are on a long stretch with only McDonalds in site.
2) Opt for fresh fruit and veg: Again, when you pass a grocery store- load up on fresh fruit and vegetables to munch on for the next few days. You do not need to refrigerate these items for a good few days so you are good to go!
3) Healthy fast food:Stopping for fast food? Getting a burger? Opt for a side salad instead of fries. Or better yet, try to eat at fast food restaurants that are a bit healthier such as Chipotle or Hero Burger.
5) Bring some supplements:

Since you will not be cooking and eating properly or regularly, it is important to bring some supplements to help with your energy levels, immune system and general health. My recommendations are EmergenC and a good green powder such as Amazing Grass or Green Vibrance to add to your water.
6) Essential oils: These are great to bring along with you and are especially useful for those nights that you sleep in questionable places. Essential oils provide a wide range of health properties. For instance Lavender is very calming and anti-septic. Tea tree is a great anti-bacteria and anti-viral. A few drops of these oils on your pillow can help you sleep and protect you against any foreign bacteria or viruses.
Travelling is very important. It is always great to explore new places wherein you end up exploring more about yourself. So, enjoy your travels…just remember to eat some kale along the way.
Thanks Sarah for the great tips. If you would like to read more holistic health and nutrition tips, check out Sarahs website