Life as a freelance digital nomad – Radio Interview

A couple months back I was interviewed on a friends radio show Good Morning Cotabato about life as a digital nomad. Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a digital nomad? For those interested in hearing the show feel free to check out the live stream below.
New hemisphere, New Passions, New opportunities – Vamos 2016!

For those who have been following along on the hippie van journey the past two and a half years, you may have noticed a slight decrease in posts as of late. As some of you will have seen via social media updates, the past few months I have been pursuing an idea for a platform […]
Hippie Van Postcard Contest

Win a Hippie Van Man 10-postcard Pack! The December Holidays are quickly approaching. Why not surprise someone or better yet, 10 of your closest family & friends, with a funky Hippie Van Man postcard!? Tweet the following; We love to #explore, #dream & do. @TheHippieVanMan @rafs84 @startupchile We want Crumbs! RT if u want […]
Hippie Van Man End Of Summer Update: BACK TO BRAZIL!

As many of you know via updates on Facebook as well as my blog post a couple months back; at the start of June I decided to fly back to Toronto, Canada to spend time with my family as my father was going through some health issues. I left the Hippie Van at a friend’s […]
Hippie Van Pan-American Adventure On Pause

You Can Take The Hippie Out Of The Van, But You Can’t Take The Hippie Out Of The Man I have been on the road now for just under two years. Living the van life, driving from Canada to South America in a 1979 VW Bus. I’ve met tons of awesome people and had more […]
Spread Love & Good Vibes – 120 Postcards in 120 Hours

We all know that Hippie Van’s run on peace, love and good vibes. But sometimes we forget that they also run on things like; tires, clutch discs, ball joints, steering dampers, various other parts and of course gasoline. If you have been following along on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you will have seen that last […]
Pan-American-Road Trip Adventure: Looking Back Over Year-1 Part 2

If you read part one of my 1-year recap of this Pan-American road trip adventure that I’m on, you will of course remember that we left off leaving Mexico just after New Years and heading in to Guatemala. I spent a few weeks in San Pedro, Lake Atitlan Guatemala. I found an awesome hotel called […]
The Winner of the Runt Painting Raffle is…..

I would first and foremost like to thank everyone that contributed to my dream by contributing to my Indiegogo campaign, be it with funds, a share, or even just positive vibes. Thanks to your support, the campaign raised $2500, which was 100% of what I set out to raise. I said that if we reached […]
Hippie Van Man is a Proud Supporter of the Canadian Cancer Society

I am extremely happy to announce that we have started a fundraising campaign for the Canadian Cancer Society. For those who haven’t had a look at the About Page, the journey from Canada to South America in the hippie van is in part, in memory of two special people whom I have lost in recent […]
Soft Launch of
I am truly excited to announce the soft launch of!! After lots of hard work and persistence, I managed to get the site up and running, with a few blogs and some content to get things going. The van was purchased back in April of 2011. However I only got the idea in the […]