When Your Passion Fades… What’s Next?

Whether it be work, relationships, travel or what have you, when you find your passion, It’s a labor of love, pulsing life throughout your body and mind. You think to yourself, I have found my passion and I want to pursue it to the max. But as I am sure you have experienced at some […]
Developing Nations Shoot: Santa Marta, Colombia

My friend Mel from Colombia, invited me to come to the program she helps run, which offers free English classes to at risk youth on Saturdays. In addition to free english lessons and a positive social environment, the program provides the kids with sandwiches and drinks. I went down to see what was up. I […]
Making Hippie Pants in Honduras / Developing Nations Shoot

Last year while living in Thailand I decided to import a bunch of harem/alibaba style hippie pants back with me. After almost completely clearing out the 50+ pairs I had brought back, I decided to use the last couple pairs as samples to make new ones with. I wasn’t in Asia anymore but I figured […]
Developing Nations Project: Panama City, Panama
For those of you who don’t know what the Developing Nations Project is, check it out here. I was driving around Panama City, Panama, photographing the buildings and graffiti. I ended up in a neighborhood, which I later learned was one of the most dangerous in Panama. Within 30 seconds of stopping my car and […]
Some Developing Nations Project Shots in Honduras
I was staying with my Honduran friend’s family during my visit to Honduras.They took me to all sorts of great places. Among them, was their home village, Yamaranguila. I only shot a couple photos but here they are. Many of these people are of Lenca origins. The Lenca people represent about 4.6% of the total […]
First Developing Nations Shoot of the Trip, Juayua, El Salvador

For those who didn’t know, as part of my travels on my last trip around Asia that began in 2011, I started a project called the Developing Nations Project, giving back by giving self-portrait prints to people in remote communities and developing regions. I haven’t gotten geared up for a Developing Nations shoot until now. […]
Continuing the Developing Nations Project Aboard the Hippie Van

For those who have followed my travels prior to the Hippie Van Man project. You will know I started another travel project previously while on my 11-month India/South East Asia backpacking trip in 2011/2012. For those who don’t know about the project, here is a link to that blog, The Developing Nations Project. In short, […]