A Free-Flight Hitchhiking Adventure Home For The Holidays. A #HowToBudgetTravel

One of the things travel has really made me come to appreciate is family. In my 27-years I have only missed two December holidays with my family. The first time was in Goa, India, 2011 – two months into what would be an 11-month backpacking trip around South East Asia. The second time was this […]
Pan-American-Road Trip Adventure: Looking Back Over Year-1 Part 2

If you read part one of my 1-year recap of this Pan-American road trip adventure that I’m on, you will of course remember that we left off leaving Mexico just after New Years and heading in to Guatemala. I spent a few weeks in San Pedro, Lake Atitlan Guatemala. I found an awesome hotel called […]
People Doing Cool Stuff: Meet Anna Gala, Creator of Project Village

My friend Anna from back home in Toronto, Canada is a very outgoing and giving person. She decided she wanted to spread a little love and empowerment, because duhh!! love and empowerment are AWESOME! So she came up with a concept which fuses fashion and philanthropy. Project Village. I met Anna about 6 or […]
FAQ: How to financially sustain yourself while you travel?

A very frequent question I get is, how do I manage to sustain myself (in a financial sense) while traveling? This morning I got an email from Will and Margaux, a couple who are traveling long distance and low-budget in their van. They wanted to see if I had any advice for them as far […]
Making Hippie Pants in Honduras / Developing Nations Shoot

Last year while living in Thailand I decided to import a bunch of harem/alibaba style hippie pants back with me. After almost completely clearing out the 50+ pairs I had brought back, I decided to use the last couple pairs as samples to make new ones with. I wasn’t in Asia anymore but I figured […]
How To Connect With Locals When You Travel

Over the past few years of wanderlust and travel, I have learned that the best travel experiences for me, usually involve meeting local people where I go. I recall my first trips being largely about events and places, but I quickly learned that to get a deeper, more profound and awesome experience, connecting with locals […]
Hippie Van Man’s Steadfast Step-By-Step Guide To Avoiding Police Bribes

Sadly corruption plagues, and is rampant in many countries in Central and South America as well as Mexico. If you are going to drive in these countries (as a local or foreigner) you will almost certainly be a quested for a bribe at some point. I guess I have either been lucky to this point […]
The Yin and the Yang of owning a VW Bus

All the time I hear people saying, “I wish I had a VW bus, it would be so much fun”. And after owning one for over 3-years now, I can say that they are indeed a lot of fun. At the same time they are a nightmare. Owning a classic vehicle requires A LOT of […]
DIY: Reupholster your vehicles sunvisors

I am a huge fan of DIY (Do It Yourself) projects. From auto mechanics to costumes, I love working on and building things by myself (with the help of the internet for guidance). I want to start sharing my DIY projects a) To help others do similar projects and b) To show by example that […]