How To Connect With Locals When You Travel

Over the past few years of wanderlust and travel, I have learned that the best travel experiences for me, usually involve meeting local people where I go. I recall my first trips being largely about events and places, but I quickly learned that to get a deeper, more profound and awesome experience, connecting with locals […]
Posadas, Ponche and Piñatas – A Mexican Pre-Christmas Tradition

I was lucky enough to be introduced by a mutual friend, to Luis, in Mexico City. Luis’s family was having their annual Posada and he invited me to come with. So what is a Posada? It’s a celebration during the 9-days leading up to Christmas. The tradition originated in Spain but is now mainly celebrated […]
Tips to Maintain a Healthy Diet During Road Trips

Summer is here and I’m sure many of you have plans to get out on the open road and explore, be it a day trip, weekend getaway, or something much bigger. One thing I’ve noticed is that every time I’m on a road trip, it seems my nutrition habits turn ugly pretty fast. You don’t […]