27 Things I Have Learned in 27 Years
Today, May 7th, 2014 is my 27th birthday. So I thought I would depart some of the wisdom I have gathered over the past 27 years, and share it in an easy to follow list. 1. Lists (like this one) are easy to follow, and take less time to read. They work great for getting […]
How To Connect With Locals When You Travel
Over the past few years of wanderlust and travel, I have learned that the best travel experiences for me, usually involve meeting local people where I go. I recall my first trips being largely about events and places, but I quickly learned that to get a deeper, more profound and awesome experience, connecting with locals […]
The Open Road Still Softly Calls
Carl Sagan has long been one of my heroes and inspirations. This is one of my favorite quotes by the man, “We were hunters and foragers. The frontier was everywhere. We were bounded only by the Earth, and the ocean, and the sky. The open road still softly calls. Our little terraquious globe as the […]
Discovering Ayahuasca, My Second Encounter (Part 3)
The following is a recollection of my second encounter with Ayahuasca. In part 1 of Discovering the Ancient and Sacred Amazonian Medicine, Ayahuasca I give a brief summary of how I came to know about Ayahuasca and what Ayahuasca is. In Part two, Discovering Ayahuasca, My First Encounter, I recount my first experience with Ayahuasca, […]
2013 Year In Review
For the past couple years, I have decided to do an annual end of year recap, to look back on the highs and lows of the year as it comes to an end. After spending more or less the entire last year traveling in Asia, I thought it would be pretty hard to top, but […]
Discovering Ayahuasca, My First Encounter (Part 2)
The following is a recollection of my first encounter with Ayahuasca. In part 1 of Discovering the Ancient and Sacred Amazonian Medicine, Ayahuasca I give a brief summary of how I came to know about Ayahuasca and what Ayahuasca is. If you haven’t read part one, I suggest doing so before proceeding with this post. […]
Discovering the Ancient and Sacred Amazonian Medicine, Ayahuasca (Part 1)
In 2010 I journeyed around South America for six months. I started my trip in Chile making my way counterclockwise through Argentina, up into Brazil, on to Colombia and eventually to Peru, before heading down through Bolivia and returning to Chile to fly back to Canada. Half way through my trip, while in Brazil, I […]
The Yin and the Yang of owning a VW Bus
All the time I hear people saying, “I wish I had a VW bus, it would be so much fun”. And after owning one for over 3-years now, I can say that they are indeed a lot of fun. At the same time they are a nightmare. Owning a classic vehicle requires A LOT of […]
What is Burning Man Anyway!?!?
I am often asked, “What is Burning Man?”. And it is challenging to answer, because it’s so many things. So I thought I would try and explain it a little in a blog post. I first found out about the annual festival known as ‘Burning Man’, while I was in Novi Sad, Serbia in 2008. […]
Interview with Artist Nate Kogan
Hippie Van Man is about living ones dream and encouraging others to live theirs as well. When I thought of people I knew who were doing just that, one of the first people that came to mind was artist Nate Kogan. Nate has been a mentor of mine for a few years now. He has […]