My First Independent Hippie Van Engine Rebuild

I haven’t updated my blog since July!! I know I know, BAD AARON! haha. If you have been following on Facebook, Youtube and Instagram, you will know I have since completed my engine rebuild and in mid-January 2017, I departed Toronto heading back down to Mexico to escape the cold, catch some waves and of […]
Hippie Van engine rebuild.. again

If you have been following on facebook or instagram, you will know that I drove back up to Canada at the beginning of May. I’m enjoying being back home, spending time with family and friends, and got to attend the 30th annual June Jitterbug30th annual June Jitterbug Volkswagen gathering in Niagara Falls, On. This week […]
Hippie Van Man End Of Summer Update: BACK TO BRAZIL!

As many of you know via updates on Facebook as well as my blog post a couple months back; at the start of June I decided to fly back to Toronto, Canada to spend time with my family as my father was going through some health issues. I left the Hippie Van at a friend’s […]
Spread Love & Good Vibes – 120 Postcards in 120 Hours

We all know that Hippie Van’s run on peace, love and good vibes. But sometimes we forget that they also run on things like; tires, clutch discs, ball joints, steering dampers, various other parts and of course gasoline. If you have been following along on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you will have seen that last […]
Pan-American-Road Trip Adventure: Looking Back Over Year-1 Part 2

If you read part one of my 1-year recap of this Pan-American road trip adventure that I’m on, you will of course remember that we left off leaving Mexico just after New Years and heading in to Guatemala. I spent a few weeks in San Pedro, Lake Atitlan Guatemala. I found an awesome hotel called […]
Hippie Van Man 1-Year-Pan-American-Road-Trip Anniversary: Looking Back Part 1

Wow! Has it been a full 365 days already? It seems like it was yesterday that my 1979 Volkswagen Transporter (aka The Hippie Van) was packed to the brim with the gear of four people heading to Burning Man in Nevada, USA from Toronto Canada. Within the first two hours, due to complaints of one […]
FAQ: How to financially sustain yourself while you travel?

A very frequent question I get is, how do I manage to sustain myself (in a financial sense) while traveling? This morning I got an email from Will and Margaux, a couple who are traveling long distance and low-budget in their van. They wanted to see if I had any advice for them as far […]
Hippie Van Man’s Steadfast Step-By-Step Guide To Avoiding Police Bribes

Sadly corruption plagues, and is rampant in many countries in Central and South America as well as Mexico. If you are going to drive in these countries (as a local or foreigner) you will almost certainly be a quested for a bribe at some point. I guess I have either been lucky to this point […]
The Yin and the Yang of owning a VW Bus

All the time I hear people saying, “I wish I had a VW bus, it would be so much fun”. And after owning one for over 3-years now, I can say that they are indeed a lot of fun. At the same time they are a nightmare. Owning a classic vehicle requires A LOT of […]
10 tips to save for an epic trip

Amongst my friends and family, I am usually pegged as the habitual traveler. A question I am often asked is, “How do you afford to do all this travel”. So I thought I would give my top tips to save money for your next epic adventure. My father once told me, “It’s not how much […]