Can Distance Bring You Closer Together?

This post is dedicated to my family and close friends. To those who I know I can always count on. To those who hold a special place in my heart. Over the past seven-years or so, I have become somewhat of a habitual traveler. Each trip I take seems to last longer, and the time […]

The 8 Most Dangerous Things About Present Day Colombia (Be Advised!)

Colombia has a notorious reputation for its dark history of civil war, land minds, narco-traffickers, guerrilla groups, kidnappings, violence and bloodshed. For many foreigners, when they hear ‘Colombia’, some of the first things that come to mind are Pablo Escobar, Cocaine, FARC (The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia—People’s Army), Kidnappings and of course Coffee. That […]

Developing Nations Shoot: Santa Marta, Colombia

My friend Mel from Colombia, invited me to come to the program she helps run, which offers free English classes to at risk youth on Saturdays. In addition to free english lessons and a positive social environment, the program provides the kids with sandwiches and drinks. I went down to see what was up. I […]

Making Hippie Pants in Honduras / Developing Nations Shoot

Last year while living in Thailand I decided to import a bunch of harem/alibaba style hippie pants back with me. After almost completely clearing out the 50+ pairs I had brought back, I decided to use the last couple pairs as samples to make new ones with. I wasn’t in Asia anymore but I figured […]

The Winner of the Runt Painting Raffle is…..

I would first and foremost like to thank everyone that contributed to my dream by contributing to my Indiegogo campaign, be it with funds, a share, or even just positive vibes. Thanks to your support, the campaign raised $2500, which was 100% of what I set out to raise. I said that if we reached […]

My Stay at Casa Verde Boutique Hotel in Santa Marta, Colombia

Recently I was contacted by Tom and Poli, a couple who own Casa Verde, a boutique hotel in Santa Marta, Colombia. Seeing that I was arriving in Santa Marta, they graciously offered my friend Vylan and I a room. I am by no means a hotel critic, but  I have stayed in my fair share […]

Developing Nations Project: Panama City, Panama

For those of you who don’t know what the Developing Nations Project is, check it out here. I was driving around Panama City, Panama, photographing the buildings and graffiti. I ended up in a neighborhood, which I later learned was one of the most dangerous in Panama. Within 30 seconds of stopping my car and […]

How To Connect With Locals When You Travel

Over the past few years of wanderlust and travel, I have learned that the best travel experiences for me, usually involve meeting local people where I go. I recall my first trips being largely about events and places, but I quickly learned that to get a deeper, more profound and awesome experience, connecting with locals […]

The Open Road Still Softly Calls

Carl Sagan has long been one of my heroes and inspirations. This is one of my favorite quotes by the man, “We were hunters and foragers. The frontier was everywhere. We were bounded only by the Earth, and the ocean, and the sky. The open road still softly calls. Our little terraquious globe as the […]

Discovering Ayahuasca, My Second Encounter (Part 3)

The following is a recollection of my second encounter with Ayahuasca. In part 1 of Discovering the Ancient and Sacred Amazonian Medicine, Ayahuasca I give a brief summary of how I came to know about Ayahuasca and what Ayahuasca is. In Part two, Discovering Ayahuasca, My First Encounter, I recount my first experience with Ayahuasca, […]

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