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Adventures with a ’79 VW

Hippie Van Man Interview for Cheapflights.com: How to plan an epic road trip

don't forget to fill up

I was recently interviewed by cheapflights.com travel columnist Taryn Adler. She wanted the low-down on how to plan an epic road trip. Here is a re-post of the interview. The original can be found by clicking here. Warm weather means road trip season – woohoo! To help you plan, we caught up with the guy […]

Continuing the Developing Nations Project Aboard the Hippie Van

For those who have followed my travels prior to the Hippie Van Man project. You will know I started another travel project previously while on my 11-month India/South East Asia backpacking trip in 2011/2012. For those who don’t know about the project, here is a link to that blog, The Developing Nations Project. In short, […]

10 Life Lessons Travel Has Taught Me

Sleeping in the park in Pamplona, Spain during Running of the Bulls

I think Miriam Beard may have said it best, “Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living”. After traveling to over 30 countries in the past five years, I have grown immensely as a person and learned many invaluable life […]

Soft Launch of HippieVanMan.com

I am truly excited to announce the soft launch of hippievanman.com!! After lots of hard work and persistence, I managed to get the site up and running, with a few blogs and some content to get things going. The van was purchased back in April of 2011. However I only got the idea in the […]

Alex Currie a.k.a Runt’s Paint Job on The Van Finally Complete!

Alex Currie aka Runt paint job on the Hippie Van

Despite our best efforts and community involvement, we were unable to complete the paint job on the van in time for Burning Man 2011 as we had originally hoped to do. We had a couple set backs due to other maintenance and an unexpected rain which caused the not-dry paint to run. Nonetheless the van […]

Fuel Line Replacement Leads to Engine Drop

One of the number one things people recommend when you purchase an old VW is to replace the fuel lines. VW used rubber fuel lines in their early models. After 30-sum-odd-years these rubber fuel lines become dried out and cracked thus making them susceptible to leaking. When you have gasoline leaking around an engine that […]

The Automobile I Always Wanted

From time to time I browse a classifieds-website called Craigslist. Sometimes I browse it because I’m looking for work or I need to buy something or want to sell something, and other times I browse out of sheer boredom. One day back in April I came across a 1979 Volkswagen T2 Transporter Van (aka VW’s […]

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